
About imageClass Information:

Level 1: Ages 10-15
Level 2: Ages 16-19
Class Duration: 1 1/2 hrs per/wk; 8 Week Course

Beginner Acting
This course will cover skills in observation, listening, mime, character development , improvisation, dialects, monologue and scene delivery, and memorization by way of acting exercises and games.
Maximum: 12 students per class

Experience the power of play, and the fun of improvisational comedy in a fun and safe environment with Made Up Theatre’s improv classes. We offer a complete training program, providing students with a strong foundation in improvisation that promotes creativity and personal growth. Learn improv today! Explore the elements of Improv in our introductory course. You will learn the core fundamentals and principles of improv, focusing on various games and exercises that encourage trust, communication, agreement: active listening, character, status, and making your scene partner look good. You will learn to apply these concepts into fully improvised scenes
Maximum: 16 students per class

Musical Theatre
Students will study the work of the actor/singer/dancer and use their gained knowledge to develop as performers. Students will prepare and present as soloists as well as members of small groups and larger ensembles.
Maximum: 16 students per class